Today, I’m taking my first step in sharing this message. You could call it an experiment, one that’s helping me step out of my comfort zone. Recently, after listening to a speaker, I had a realization: for years, I’ve referred to myself as a conduit when using divination tools. But in truth, I’ve been channeling Spirit all along. This isn’t just a reading—it’s a channeling of wisdom.
And so, here it is—my first time posting what I consider to be channeled insight. I share this with the hope that it will be received with the same intentions it was given: for the highest good.
I’ve been hearing so much about cultural appropriation and how some people act as gatekeepers of their traditions. At times, I’ve wondered, “How do you know who I was in a past life?” But today, Spirit spoke to me with clarity:
First, if you believe in the story of Adam and Eve, how can you not recognize that we are all brothers and sisters? When you see a statue of Kuan Yin, Buddha, or the Great White Buffalo, your thought should not be, “They belong to someone else’s heritage.” Instead, understand this: they are ancestors to all of us. We are all connected.
If you don’t resonate with the Adam and Eve story and align with a different creation tale, those stories always begin with a source—a primordial couple, a deity, or some other origin. Regardless of the narrative, we all spring from the same Earth, from the womb of our Great Earth Mother. We are all born of the life that she creates and sustains. To believe we are separate is to misunderstand the truth.
Different skin colors, genders, cultures, and beliefs—they are part of the beautiful whole, woven together by creation. The problem arises when we separate ourselves from this beauty. When you disrespect another because of their sex, skin color, or culture, you’re disrespecting your own family. In doing so, you’re contributing to destruction, not to the wonder of life.
More on this later—but let me ask you this: If you haven’t learned to respect your own family, those you grew up with, how can you feel qualified to judge others, especially those you don’t even know? Start with what’s close. Learn to love and understand the people in your immediate circle.
We have to begin somewhere. We need to take a step toward healing, not toward division. Our species won’t survive if we keep tearing each other apart. We’re killing each other. You already know the inevitable outcome if we continue down this path.
So, take that first step forward.