Dedicated to exploring the ancient and mystical realms of angelology, uncovering pre-Abrahamic angel history, and offering guidance on channeling angels and spirit guides. Through deep spiritual insights, we aim to help visitors connect with the timeless wisdom of the angelic realm and apply it to their everyday lives
My Angel Guides

About Me

Dr. Brown

I have studied metaphysics for about 35 years, give or take. In all that time, I’ve never done a reading where I didn’t “know,” without any doubt, that the information wasn’t coming from me. I’ve always felt like a conduit, a messenger, a vessel—simply, a channel.

The insights I share aren’t mine to claim. I’m just a practical person who loves to tell you what I see in my cards, charts, books, or whatever tool I happen to pick up when seeking guidance. Whether it’s tarot, oracles, astrology, runes, geomancy, numerology, bibliomancy, the I Ching, or any other method, it all works the same for me. The messages don’t come from me—they never do. The tools I use are just a path that helps me access the voices of the guides. I don’t hear voices in my head—I see stories unfold in the cards, I interpret calculations, and I trust that the meaning will resonate with you in ways that go beyond what it means to me.

I’m deeply honored that Spirit trusts me to channel information, and I’m humbled by the responsibility of delivering messages that can be delicate, healing, and even life-changing. Spirit simply asks that you listen, reflect, and choose what to do with the message you receive.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Dr. Brown